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landlord go offerReality NFT

What is
reality metaverse?

Reality Metaverse has created the true connection between real life and the Metaverse. We are allowing users true ownership of their assets in games played by millions of players, like in the mobile game Landlord GO. Each object corresponds to real-world locations, famous landmarks, most prominent cities, and countries.

Be a part of the digital revolution!

iconic buildings in the metaverse

2000 most famous landmarks representing real-world buildings, cities, and countries. They are made on a 1:1 scale and are 3D assets compatible to use in other games and Metaverses.

from millions of players

The first game introduced to the ecosystem and a flagship property associated with the Reality Metaverse is a mobile game called Landlord GO. With over 6 million active players and 21 million Landlord Games downloads, Landlord GO is the most recognizable geo-location property trading game globally. Landlord GO is a first-in-class business simulator game using real-life properties from around the globe. Unlike other board games, the game draws real data from real buildings, real people and sets actual prices associated with each property.


collection of 2000 objects

The initial collection will consist of 2000 objects separated into countries, cities, and world-famous buildings. Each one will have its high-quality 3D model. Each objects will have its product page with a full description, key metrics about the royalty incomes generated from different sources, leaderboard metrics on the building's popularity, information on the top shareholders, price history, current listing, and upcoming events.